My Latest EP

Friday, August 23, 2019

"Which one is your favorite?" - I -

I've been meaning to start a new series on the blog called "Which is your favorite?" where I will be posting 3 different versions of the same song and you will comment (hopefully) which one you like the most. What would really please me and the other readers is that if you could also indicate why you think your choice is better than the others...

You can make your comments here on the blog page (below the post), on Instagram ( or on Facebook page (

One additional feature of the series will be that I will dash a brief note about the songs I will choose and I hope this will enable you, the listeners, to understand a bit better of the original song...

So here is our first song; please listen all, pick and comment on the one that appeals to you the most...


The song is originally an aria from George Gershwin's 1935 opera Porgy and Bess. The opera is based on a book called "Porgy" by DuBose Heyward who is also credited of the lyrics of the song (in fact co-credited with Ira Gershwin).

Right after its introduction in "Porgy and Bess", the song became one of the most played jazz standards of all time and even today is being covered by many artists...

The 3 versions are below, please listen and comment on the one you like the most...

  • Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - "Summertime"
  • Janis Joplin - "Summertime"
  • Parov Stelar feat. Maya Bensalem - "Summertime"

Now the floor is yours, go ahead and make your comments (here, Instagram, Facebook wherever you feel like...).

nb. Please note that I intentionally do not include the original versions of the songs as it would be a little unfair to the artists covering the songs, and I am sure that sometimes you will be surprised to see that the songs you thought were the originals are just covers...