My Latest EP

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Five Songs for the Weekend - CXI -

I have subscribed to a streaming service called "MUBI". It is a movie platform and you can watch (well mostly) true cinema from new and/or award-winning directors. It is a curated streaming service, which offers an ever-changing collection of hand-picked films, introducing one new film each day. I suggest you take a look and maybe try it for a week for free. I am sure you will be addicted...

As Jean-Luc Godard once said;
“Photography is truth. 
The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second."

Here is the list for this weekend;

  • Portico Quartet - "Prickly Pear"
  • Kelly Lee Owens - "Corner Of My Sky"
  • Elsa Hewitt - "That Thing"
  • Gusgus - "Over"
  • Soccer Mommy - "Night Swimming"

Hope you have a great weekend.

nb. You can open the actual youtube page by clicking the name on the upper left side of each video.

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