My Latest EP

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Five Songs for the Weekend - CXIII -

It appears to be even "back to half normal" is bringing along a lot of risks in the Covid-19 situation. Therefore we really need to be careful to the maximum extent if we want to stay away from the virus. Please do not let go of the precautions at least till the summer so that we can all enjoy a good holiday season.

 As Mahatma Gandhi once said;
"It is health that is real wealth and 
not pieces of gold and silver."

Here is the list for this weekend;

  •  Lusine - "Just A Cloud"
  • Princess Chelsea - "Monkey Eats Bananas"
  • Still Corners - "The Trip"
  • Ebo Taylor - "Atwer Abroba"
  • Juju & The Space Rangers - "Plastic"

Hope you have a great weekend.

nb. You can open the actual youtube page by clicking the name on the upper left side of each video.

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