My Latest EP

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Five Songs for the Weekend - CXXII -

Back to normal as of this week hoping that the full lockdown worked to decrease the number of cases. Once the vaccinations speed up I hope that life will be better after summer. But for now we need to pay more attention than ever and not relax at this final junction.

As Napoleon Hill once said;
"Effort only fully releases its reward 
after a person refuses to quit."

Here is the list for this weekend;

  • Tim Booth & Angelo Badalamenti - "Fall In Love With Me" 
  • The Rolling Stones ft. Dave Matthews - "Wild Horses"
  • Brittany Howard - "Stay High"
  • Max Cooper - "Repetition"
  • Tricky - "Makes Me Wonder"
Hope you have a great weekend.

nb. You can open the actual youtube page by clicking the name on the upper left side of each video.

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