My Latest EP

Saturday, February 23, 2019


No I didn't misspell the word "Spellling" because that's how Chrystia Cabral names her band, actually a one person band. Can only one person form a band I don't know, but she sure doesn't sound solo.

Spellling is an artist from Berkeley, California. Her first album called "Pantheon of Me" was self-recorded at home in 2017. 2 years later came the second album, "Mazy Fly" which I believe could be the best issue of the year so far.
The songs in the recording sound great but especially her soulful voice is amazing. You can hear wonderful synth riffs and cool textures almost in every song.

"Haunted Water" by Spellling

When I was listening to the full album I felt a different vibe that is difficult to explain but kinda lofty and benevolent, really don't know why... There is this naiveness in the songs that take you away from the evils of this world even though some of the songs are really dark in nature but still...

"Hard to Please"

Listen to the album. I am sure you will not regret it.

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