My Latest EP

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Five Songs for the Weekend - LXVII -

I don't understand what's going on in the world with this Corona issue. I am fully aware of the consequences however it really started bugging me as there are similar or way bigger problems around and no one is talking about them. According to Google news, the Coronavirus has reached 1.1 billion mentions in the media as of today (SARS was only 56 million). Is this a part of a conspiracy? We'll see...

As Benjamin Disraeli once said;
"Nature has given us two ears but only one mouth."

Here is the list for the weekend;

  • Lean Year - "Come and See"
  • The Black Keys - "Ohio"
  • Kate Bush - "King of the Mountain"
  • Sambalanca Trio - "Sam Blues"
  • The Beatles - "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da"

Hope you have a great weekend.

nb. You can open the actual youtube page by clicking the name on the upper left side of each video.

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