My Latest EP

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Five Songs for the Weekend - LXX -

Unfortunately, coronavirus continues to have a huge impact on our lives. Some don't even notice, some escape with mild symptoms and the least fortunate ones get hospitalized and even die. This week the jazz world lost 2 big names to the virus, trumpet player Wallace Roney and pianist Ellis Marsalis. Let's hope these days will be over very soon...

As Suzy Kassem once wrote;
"Life is like a piano. 
White keys are happy moments and the black ones are 
sad moments. Both keys are played together to give us 
the sweet music called Life."

Here is the list for the weekend;

  • Wallace Roney Quintet - "Metropolis"
  • Ellis Marsalis Quartet - "Twelve's It"
  • Dave's True Story - "Stormy"
  • Caterina Barbieri - "Fantas"
  • Chip Taylor & The New Ukrainians - "Fuck All The Perfect People"

Hope you have a great weekend.

nb. You can open the actual youtube page by clicking the name on the upper left side of each video.

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